Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Proposal...

The proposal…
We decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We talked about getting married and went looking for rings. Jason was a perfect gentleman and even asked Diana’s father for her hand in marriage. They started making wedding plans even though Jason hadn’t officially proposed. Diana finally issued a deadline. He had to propose before they were supposed to get their engagement pictures taken. The night before the deadline Jason told Diana to dress up and bring her temple stuff. He picked her up at her home and took her back to his parent’s house. Downstairs he had set up a table with china and crystal and had romantic music playing. Then he brought out a wonderful meal that he had prepared for her. After dinner they went to the temple to do sealings. It was a beautiful reminder of the covenant they were about to make themselves. After the sealings Jason suggested that they walk around the temple grounds. As they started walking Jason leaned down by the flowers and Diana was mortified to think that he was going to pick flowers out of the temple gardens. Instead he pulled out a bouquet of roses and daisies and gave them to Diana. He had hid them there earlier that day just for this occasion. Then they sat down on a bench and looked over the Salt Lake Valley. At the perfect moment Jason got down on one knee and asked Diana to spend eternity with him and marry him. With a tear in her eye she gladly accepted. It was perfect evening together and a wonderful memory. A mere 6 months after Diana returned home from New York City we were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple. Our courtship is similar to our life together. We have had our highs and low, a lot of laughter and some tears and once again a beautiful friendship!